In May, we did a FirstLook and FirstUse of a few digital photo frames from Ceiva. We have both the CeivaShare and CeivaPro models. The CeivaShare frame is in our office in Boston and the CeivaPro was sent to one of the editors' parents in New York. After using them for a month, we felt we were ready to file the InTheWild report. Three months later, we are happy to report our initial enthusiasm with the Ceiva frames has not diminish in any way. In fact, one of the guests at FirstGrill 2010 told us she purchased one for her dad after seeing ours.

Displaying photos using digital photo frames are better than using a traditional frame in many ways. In the image above, the room was brightly lit. The print hanging on the wall is difficult to see, but the image on the digital frame sitting under the stained glass window is clearly visible from across the room. A digital frame can automatically rotate its display amongst a large number of photos. We expect to see frames capable of showing videos with sound in the near future.

There are a LOT of digital photo frames on the market. So what makes the Ceiva frames different? If we were to compare the Ceiva frames on the basis of display quality, styling, and ease of use, they would definitely be up there near the top. It is the ultra convenience of being able to send a photo to the photo frame without having to go through a computer on either end that makes the Ceiva unique. Ceiva is the only digital photo frame that we know of with the ability to receive images via email. Each Ceiva frame has its own email address. Anyone can send an image to the frame via email from anywhere in the world. This feature is what sets the Ceiva apart from all others, and in our opinion, makes it superior to all other frames. With cell phone camera resolution getting higher all the time, more and more people will want the convenience of this feature.

Some readers have expressed concern that they will have to continue to pay for a membership in order to use their Ceiva frame. Since the frames can cost up to $150, we agree that the frames should work without any monthly fees. However, if you want "just email it to the frame" convenience (we feel that it is a superior feature and worth paying for), Ceiva is the only game in town. To help convince those who may be on the fence about the value of the service, a free one-year membership is included with every frame. After using it for three months, we know we are hooked. [Permalink] - Ceiva InTheWild