The guys at the RainyDayGarage are happy to announce that after eight fantastic years of top-down driving, the Boxster has joined the 100K club!

The day started like any other day. It was 55º out. We put the top down, fired up the Boxster, and cranked up the heat for our daily 7-mile commute to Kendall Square. The traffic is usually pretty light after 8:50 AM as most folks leave earlier so they can get to work by 9AM. There are parts of the commute where we can let the car "run" a bit. At one stretch there are even some twisties that last for more than a few seconds! However, today we had to keep an eye on the odometer so as not to miss the "big event."

Fortunately, by the time we got close to the big 100K mark, the traffic had slowed us way down and getting a clear shot of the change from 099999 to 100,000 was not a problem.

Porsches have a reputation for being expensive to buy, own, and operate, but it's somewhat of a myth. Porsches share many parts with Audi and Volkswagen, so if you are handy and like to do some of your own maintenance, they are really not more expensive to maintain then any other car. The best place to hang out and talk about all things Boxster is Porsche Pete's Boxster Board. The best owner's manual is the one by Bentley Publishing. Our Boxster has been and continues to be a pleasure to own, drive, and look at...even after 8 years and 100K miles! We would bet most can't say that of their daily drive.

The truth is, before owning the Boxster, we didn't really much care about cars one way or another. Cars were just something that got us from point A to point B. In fact, we were in Boston for 10 years before we even got a vehicle. They are right when they say "Porsche, there is no substitute" because now that we have spent some time with the Boxster, we just can't imagine driving anything else. [Permalink] - 100K Bxxster