Today we got up early, had a leisurely breakfast, and got on the road by 11 AM :-) We didn't have a lot on our schedule...just heading to North Adams to climb Mount Greylock and check out MASSMoCA.

We did bring our hiking boots and backpacks for the camera gear, but decided that we would probably not have enough time to make it up to the top if we hiked it. What we did discover was that we could just drive the 5 miles up to the summit and forego the physical exertion all together. We all quickly agreed that this was the better option.

The drive up was quite attractive...lots of twisties, switchbacks, and views onto the valley below. We also saw some cyclists ripping downhill at speeds which we wouldn't attempt in a car.

The view at the top was pretty spectacular. Suppositly we had a clear view to four states: Vermont, New York, Conneticut, New Hampshire. We looked but couldn't really tell you if that was true.

What we can tell you is how form-fitting and comfortable the Kata 3N1 pack was during the little bit of hiking around we did do. While we cannot really claim that this was an exhaustive test of the wear-ability of this pack, we can say that we will definitely be grabbing this bag for our next outing.

There is a really nice lodge at summit (great views, high ceilings, large fireplaces, and food service). Apparently one can rent rooms there even in the Winter. Not sure whether cars can make it up when there is snow or if it is hike-in only. In any case, we are making plans to come back for some snow-shoeing this Winter.

This was more of a scouting trip for our Fall Foliage outing. We got a lot of great info on places to stay, things to do, and where to eat. The drive is a little over 3 hours from Boston. It is possible to do it in a day, but would be much nicer as an overnight trip.

We look forward to coming back in a month or so when the foliage is peaking. It will be a lot cooler at the top of Mount Greylock then. If the weather is nice and we don't have too many Lemon Drops the night before, we may even actually hike part of the trail next time :-) [Permalink] - Mount Greylock