Four of us took a trip out to Williams College for the Predergast in Italy exhibition this weekend. This exhibition is the first devoted exclusively to the Italian watercolors, monotypes and oil paintings of Maurice Prendergast. One of our editors (Jay) is a big fan of Prendergast. The others in the office went because we heard there would be free gelato at the lectures.

The drive started out REALLY rainy in Boston, but as we made out way West, the rain began turning into fog. By the time we got to Williamstown, it was actually pretty nice out! Some of the Fall colors have even started to show! Williams College has really attractive grounds. We especially liked the large metal sculptures dotting the grounds of the Art Museum on campus.

We learned a few interesting bits about Prendergast, Sarah Sears, and Isabella Steward Gardner from the afternoon's lectures and conversations. We throughly enjoyed ourselves with the lectures and the gelatos, but by 6PM everybody was ready for a nice nap and some drinks before dinner.

Lucky for us this was not a busy weekend and rooms were pretty easy to come by. We had arranged for some fairly reasonable accommodations at the 1896 Hotel near Wiliams.

The rooms at the 1896 were large, clean, and comfortable. Perfectly reasonable for less than $150/night (including tax and breakfast). There was a lovely pond right next to the room. The room was far enough from the main road that we could not hear the traffic (what there was of it).

The 1896 is a short hop from Williams College and close to MASSMoCA and Mount Greylock, two of the other attractions which we'll be checking out tomorrow. [Permalink] - Prendergast in Italy