We have some experience with coffee brewers. There are a lot of different ways to make good coffee. Over the years, folks in the RainyDayKitchen have tested, used, and dissected their share of coffee makers. However, they, like many people, did not realize it was possible to brew coffee without using heat. When they were asked to take a look at the Hourglass Coffee Maker, they did some research on the cold-brewing method. What they learned surprised them and got them excited about the task!

It appears that cold-brewing has quite a few advantages over the more typical heated process. The biggest benefit is the much lower acid content in the coffee. A lower acid level should translate to better tasting coffee and less irritation for sensitive drinkers.

The Hourglass Coffee Maker is attractive and simple. The package includes a reusable stainless steel filter, a carafe, and a storage bottle. Both the carafe and the storage bottle are made of strong thermo-plastic.

Using the Hourglass Coffee Maker appears to be simple as well. Freshly ground coffee is placed into the filter. The brewing bowl is pressed onto the filter and filled with cold water. The carafe is placed over the bowl and left to do its thing.

After the desired brewing time has elapsed, the carafe is inverted, pouring the coffee extract into the bowl at the other end. The bowl with the filter may then be removed and the coffee extract emptied into the storage container. The coffee extract can then be mixed with water to make fresh coffee anytime for up to a week.

The directions give three different recommendation for brewing times (12hr, 24hrs, 72hrs) for different strengths. We are going to try three different times to see if we can detect the difference. Look for the FirstUse report in November. [Permalink] - Hourglass Coffee Maker
NOTE: If you are intrigued and don't want to wait for our results, get yours now at Everything Kitchen ($60 and free shipping!!!) and conduct you own taste test.