Laptops are great because they let us work where we want. However, they do have one weakness...short battery life. Battery technology has advanced quite a bit over the years, but most laptop batteries have a realistic working duration of only a few hours. Sure we can bring along the AC adapter when we go to a cafe, but there are plenty of times when power outlets are not readily available. Many companies have made a business supplying products to help and we have looked at quite a few of them over the years (XPower, Tekkeon, Brunton), but none of them were designed specifically for Mac laptops...until the HyperMac.

As most Mac owners know, MacBook connectors are "different" and the power requirements of Mac laptops are unique. MacBook Pros actually operate under 2 different voltages. With normal operations the voltage is 16.5V, but when the workload becomes intensive the system switches to 18.5V. Some of the newer MacBooks don't even have removable batteries. What all this means is that the average external battery pack won't cut it for the Mac. So what is different about the HyperMac?

HyperMac's External Battery uses military-grade lithium ion cells and are rechargeable up to 1000 times. LED indicators let us keep an eye on the charge level. The HyperMac not only provides power for the MacBook, it is powerful enough to recharge the internal battery as well. In fact, the internal battery actually thinks it is connected to an AC power source when it is connected to the HyperMac power pack. To complement the distinctive looks of the MacBook, HyperMac batteries are housed in an aluminum enclosure, the logo is laser engraved, and the accessories are wrapped in Apple's iconic white.

HyperMac External Battery for MacBook comes in four different sizes (60/100/150/222Wh). The one we have is the MBP-100. At 1.6 lbs, the HyperMac is a bit bigger than the internal battery, but it can power the MacBook Pro continuously for over 13 hours! We know because we have been taking the HyperMac with us on our outings to the coffee shops, the cafes, and even just to the back deck.

The HyperMac External Battery came with a USB 5V/1A Power Port so we can power a USB device simultaneously with the MacBook. Very handy for keeping an iPod topped-off. The kit also included an adapter which will work both in the car and on the plane...just in case we are on a cross-country road trip or on a non-stop flight to India.

We have to admit that it is an odd feeling to not have to worry about running out of juice when we are out and about with the laptop. We have never had this freedom before! If you want to roam without the AC leash, you need to head on over to the HyperShop. They are the only ones with the batteries that can REALLY let your MacBook keep on going, and going, and going. [Permalink] - HyperMac battery