We all know that one cannot judge a book by its cover, but if you paid $350 for the book, you would want it to have a pretty good cover. For Kindle owners, protective covers were available from Amazon since the device was announced. Now alternatives to Amazon's basic black offering have started to make their way to the marketplace.

Amazon designed the Kindle2 to easily accommodate an add-on cover. On the left side of the device are two slits. They allow a set of hooks to grab and hold a cover in place without the usual straps or velcro contraptions. The result is a sleek, polished appearance with no additional bulk.

When we asked Kindle2 owners which cover they would like us to review, the one mentioned most often was the offering from M-Edge. Readers liked them because of the color options, but what they really wanted to know was our view on the quality of the cover.

We are happy to report that the M-Edge covers are very well made, have a great feel, and look fantastic. They are a little bit thicker than the Amazon cover, but not so much so that it would actually make a difference day-to-day. The M-Edge cover also has a bit more space at the spine for carrying a pen or a small book light. One interesting option available with the M-Edge covers is the "platform" feature. This allows the Kindle to stand upright for hands-free use.

The "cover" with the least bulk is the InvisibleShield. We have used these super-tough covers on our iPods for years. They are just amazingly durable. Ease of application of the InvisibleShield has also improved over the years. The installation kit now comes with the application solution and a tool for squeezing out the air bubbles. For readers who want maximum scratch protection with almost zero bulk, this is the only product they need to consider. Of course, the thin cover will not give the Kindle any "drop" protection. So if you are clumsy with your gear, you may want to take that into consideration.

Regardless of the type of cover you choose for you Kindle2, it is probably a good idea to protect it with something. Personally, we would use the InvisibleShield in addition to a hard cover, but that's just us :-) [Permalink]-Kindle protection