Fuzzy logic is not a contradiction in terms. It is a whole new way to program machines so they "work" the way humans do... which is to say, kind of "fuzzy."

Imagine if your washing machine knows to use more detergent when the clothes are dirtier, or more water if it was a larger load, or to optimize the spin and wash agitation depending on the types of fabric being washed? That would be pretty sweet, huh? What if you had a rice cooker that knows the time difference between cooking white rice and brown rice? One cup and five cups? Soups and stews?

Cuisinart has has incorporated fuzzy logic technology into its Rice Plus Multi-Cooker so that it "knows" how to adjusts its cooking time for different kinds of ingredients and different kinds of meals.

Readers do not need computer or engineering degrees to understand how to use the Cuisinart Rice Plus Multi Cooker. Remember, the whole point of this technology is to make the gear "think" like humans... not the other way around.

Now that the interns have gotten around to unpacking the Cuisinart Fuzzy Logic cooker, we will post a more detailed FirstLook/FirstUse write-up soon. Folks coming for the FirstGrill event (you know who you are) will get a chance to check out the cooker and see it in action first-hand. [Permalink]- Cuisinart Fuzzy Logic Cooker