Some here have been complaining about the flickering light in the RainyDayKitchen. The problem was not serious enough to make it on the RainyDayRenovations Project list, but it was always in the back of our minds.

This past weekend, a few folks went to IKEA for lunch (cheapest place to shop AND eat) and saw a perfect replacement for the annoying, and some would say ugly, overhead light in the kitchen.

Since the lamp they saw was under $30, they didn't bother to get approval from the bean counters. The Finance folks approved the expense even thought they had not pre-approved the purchase. It is unbelievable the amount of paper work we have to do around here.

The great thing about IKEA products is they are all designed with DIYers in mind. The construction is simple, their instructions are clear, and the installation usually quick and simple. This overhead lamp was no exception.

The base holds three 40W bulbs. The glass shade is held in place by four arms. One of the arms is spring-loaded so it can move to secure the shade.

We turned off the main circuit to the kitchen before we started the work...doing the project during the day helps because the lights will be off :-) Attaching the base to the old spot was a simple disconnect/reconnect of the three wires (white, black, ground). The trickiest part was getting the main post to come through the base so we could attach secure it with the nut.

We were done in about 15 minutes. Since we did not have to cut or drill anything, there was nothing to clean up. The light came on when we reset the breaker and hit the power. The flickering has been permanently removed and the kitchen now has a much warmer glow. Thank you IKEA. [Permalink]- Let there be light