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March 19,2009(NeedleNThreadsThursday)

Having heard that we were having a problem with our car cover, one of our contributing editors mentioned that her 80-year olded mom is an excellent seamstress.   What is even better is that she makes house calls.  We were a little excited about going shopping for a new cover (doing our part to stimulate the economy and all that), but decided it was much more fiscally practical and environmentally responsible to repair the cover if we could.

We arranged for an appointment to have Nan (Carolyn's mom) to come by the office and take a look.  To prep for the task, we washed the cover and cleared out a space for her to work. 

Nan arrived around mid-morning with her heavy duty sewing machine and a large bag of thread.  After a quick assessment of the cover's condition and construction, Nan decided it was a pretty straightforward repair task, but she needed an extra pair of hands to help manage the large amount of material.

Sewing is a much under-appreciated skill.  The sewing machine is as complicated as any other piece of gear we have around the office.  Nan approached the project in the same fashion as we would have done for any of our DIY projects: prep, check, execute

Nan made the repair looked easy.  She was done and outside for her cigarette break before we had time to get lunch started (the price of the repair...and no, this special pricing is not available to all customers). 

We threw the cover back on the car to check the work.  The stitching was perfect.  Nan told us that she stitched it both from the front and the back just to make sure the seams with hold.  The cover may still rip in the future, but she is pretty sure it won't be at THIS spot :-)

So thanks to Nan, our car cover is now as good as new.  If we were more mindful when removing the cover, we may get a few additional seasons out of the cover before we will have to officially "retire" it from service.  [Permalink]- Car Cover Repair


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Cover Problem



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