The weather is odd in New England. it can "snow" at any time. Just take a look at the driveway outside the office. The "white stuff" has been coming down ever since the sun came out. The air is filled with the light puffy white fluff. Soon the grass, the car, and the driveway will be completely blanketed with it.

The stuff is actually from the three cottonwood trees directly in front of the office. The week of rain got everything primed. When the sun came out, all of the pods opened and released the seed puffs at the same time. As there was only a light breeze, much of the "cotton" drifted down instead of being carried away by the wind.

We have been here for may years and this is the heaviest "storm" we have ever witnessed. This isn't one of the signs of the apocalypse, is it? Probably not, but we should make a note to remember to clean the gutters.

Our intern, Buffy, was quite confused by all the "fairy" bits floating around. She spent some time chasing the larger puffs, but soon grew tired of it and decided it was better to just sit and wait out "the storm."

Even with all the stuff floating around, we have not had problems with allergies or any adverse reactions. Which led us to wonder if this stuff would be any good as stuffing for pillows? [Permalink] - Cotton Snow Storm