Today was one of those perfect New England days...crisp, cool, and sunny. It was also perfect weather for the first Roslindale Farmers' Market of the season. As a result, the turn out was huge.

The kids out shopping with their parents today were kept entertained by a very amusing clown :-) We have always been a little afraid of clowns. However, the kids appeared to be quite amused by his variety of magic tricks, juggling acts, and other antics.

The Farmers' Market is a great place to find a variety of fresh local produce, plants, eggs, fresh breads and baked goods, preserves, and handmade crafts. It is also an excellent excuse to bring the kids to the Square for a picnic lunch!

Besids the food and the fun, this weekly local gathering is also a chance to see what else the Roslindale community has to offer. An example is Rozzie Bikes. They are a local riding club which sponsors rides, advocates street improvements, and generally tries to make the roads more "peddler-friendly."

We know that some of you may have a bike in the basement or garage that has not seen the light of day in awhile. Now is a good time to dust it off, pump up the tires, and meet up with the RozzieBikes folks for a group ride. Go check out their schedule and find something suitable. They have rides for all levels.

After all the rain, it is nice to have a bright sunny day. Get offline, go outside, see what's happening in your local community, and participate. There are a lot of great things going on. Enjoy them! [Permalink] - Roslindale's Farmers Market