Electricity is a puzzle to a lot of people (certain editors here at RainyDayMagazine included). Learning about it from standard physics books can be illuminating...for those who enjoy reading physics books. Budding scientists (as well as "normal" people) may find the Manga Guide to Electricity from No Starch Press a lot more digestible than the standard text on the subject.

The Manga Guide to Electricity combines an entertaining plot with authentic manga comics and lessons that offer readers a unique introduction to the world of electricity. Readers learn alongside Rereko as her tutor explains the basics of electricity by examining everyday devices like flashlights, heaters, and circuit breakers.

Just compare the typical explanation of Coulomb's Law from an Intro Applied Physics text to that of the Manga Guide. We fell asleep after the first sentence of the standard text :-)

Don't let the light-hearted approach of the Manga Guide fool you. Its explanation are accurate and detailed. It is not some light fluffy "physics for poets" approach to explaining a hard-to-grasp topic. The illustrations help the reader visualize what the equations are trying to describe. As readers progress through the book, they will explore advance concepts and modern IC topics.

We read it from cover to cover even though we already understood the topic...or at least we did when we took our last physics test 25 years ago :-) While we would not replace a standard text with the Manga Guide, we would certainly have no problem recommending the Manga Guide as an introduction to the topic of Electricity. [Permalink] - Manga Guide