The Livescribe SmartPen is one of our favorite gadgets of 2009. We got it in-house at the end of 2008. Our FirstLook convinced us of the usefulness of this pen for our way of taking notes. We immediately purchased more for others in the office. Anyone using the SmartPen will see there are lots of potential for this device. We have been working on a SmartPen based ideas of our own :-) We posted one such idea in May.

Many of you have sent in some pretty good suggestions after reading that article. Some of those ideas required features not currently available. Today, Livescribe announced that a pre-release version of the software development kit (SDK) for the SmartPen is now available for Windows platform. Mac developers (like us) will have to wait a little longer. The SDK has lots of new capabilities not currently available in the released product. Many of these are to support developers in the creation of new SmartPen features.

A big part of the SKD is the Paper Designer. The Paper Designer features include:
- Integration with the Eclipse SDK to provide GUI driven code generation from the paper editor
- Generate multiple page documents in any form factor and mixed form factors within the document
- Link multiple applications to different areas on a page
- Support for rectangles, polygons, ellipses, polylines, line segments and points
- High quality printed output
- Multiple undo/redo
- Thumbnail view and editing of the document
- Wizard driven document creation process
- Deployment of paper products to the smartpen directly from the paper tool
- Template driven design process for multi–page documents with repeated templates
- Postcript generation and direct printing
- Extensive documentation on the tool and also on pattern printing and related processes
If you have been wondering what to do on the next "rainy day," go get the SDK, fire up the development environment and make something fun and useful for the SmartPen! [Permalink] - Livescribe SDK