It has been a while since we went to an 11PM showing of anything, let alone a 159-minute long movie on a "school night." However, yesterday was the opening day for the sixth in the Harry Potter series, The Half Blood Prince, and it was understood that we would see this movie during its first day of release.

As most frequent readers know, we are big fans of the Harry Potter series. We were in line at midnight when the last book came out. We have listened to the ENTIRE audio book series (117 hours) multiple times. We have also had Harry Potter marathon movie weekends where we watch the current 5-DVD collection all in one go. So it wasn't surprising that when the 7:30 showing of HP6 was sold out, nobody blinked when they said the next showing was at 11PM.

To get even more excited about HP6, some in the office have listened to the audio series yet again. The great thing about these stories is that they are as engaging now as the first time we listened to them. A lot of care and effort went into the production of the audio series. Just look at the amount of work which went into the packaging (case designs, CD art, jacket illustrations, misc info) of the CD set. Normally, we don't pay a lot of attention to the packaging for audio books, However, in this case we find there is definite pleasure in having the physical packaging, instead of just downloading the audio files from iTunes.

We see no point in reviewing the movie. If you are a Harry Potter fan, you will go regardless. We are already looking forward to HP7! [Permalink] - Half Blood Prince