Last Thursday we completed the assembly of the ProClip mount for the Navigon GPS. We took advantage of the nice weather these past few days and completed the installation of the ProClip mount in the Boxster.

The project was a lot quicker than we had expected as no tools were required. All we had to do was to remove a few panels, position the mount, and put everything back into place. We've documented all the steps for completeness, but it was a bit of an overkill for how simple it really was.

The mount we chose clips onto the panel on passenger side of the central console. The first step was to remove the lower carpeted panel. It comes out if you slide it toward the front of the car. The upper panel is held in place by three plastic anchors. It may be removed by slightly sliding it away from the front of the car and pulling the rear of the panel toward the seats.

The ProClip mount is affixed to the upper panel by gripping it at the front and the rear. The adhesive strip provides additional grip to keep the mount from slipping. The mount may be placed anywhere along the length of the top panel, but we positioned it to be flush with the top of the console.

When the mount has been securely installed, the GPS holder may be placed into the clip and its orientation to the drive adjusted. The GPS holder has a ball-and-socket joint in the back. This allows for quick and easy positioning of the display for optimal visibility.

Note that the GPS holder has a power pass-through socket on the bottom right side. This is a lot more convenient and much more attractive than running the cord up to the windshield suction mount.

With the Navigon on the ProClip mount, we no longer have to worry about it falling off the windshield during the trip. We really liked how this project turned out. The ProClip mounting system is a flexible, secure, and expandable way to have gadgets close at hand in the car. If you are looking for a better way to mount electronic devices to the inside of your vehicle, go check out the ProClip mounting system. They have what you need. [Permalink] - ProClip Installation