When we wanted a better way to mount our Navigon 7200T GPS in the Boxster, we looked around and found the ProClip mounting system. We chose the ProClip because the system allows the user to pick the pieces based on how, what, and where one wants the gear mounted.

As the ProClip mounting system is made up of separate combinable components, each piece comes with its own set of directions. While this could be a little daunting at first, the assembly of the separate units is actually very simple. We will give a condensed version of the process to give a sense of just how easy it is to put together the exact ProClip mount for a specific device.

We chose the four components (dash mount, extender plate, clip, GPS holder) out of the dozens available on the ProClip site. Not all of these are required, but we wanted to create a mount which will allow us to quickly attach other gadgets (cellphone, iPod, etc...) just by removing the GPS holder. The key to this versatility is the V-shaped clip. The clip is made of two mated (receiver, hook) pieces. The receiver is attached to the car. The hook is attached to the GPS holder.

The GPS holder has a ball-socket joint in the back for precise angling of the GPS. The clip's hook piece may be attached using just the adhesive, but to solidly anchor it, screws are best. In order to screw in the hook, the joint must be taken apart. We used two of the self-tapping screws to secure the hook to the back of the socket plate.

The last step in putting this mount together is to attach the extender plate to the dash mount. Four self-tapping screws into the pre-drilled holes made quick work of the task. With the extender plate attached, the mount is complete and ready for installation onto the car.

In the next installment of this series, we'll show how we attached this GPS mount to the Boxster. For readers who want to mount a GPS to their car, the ProClip system is a versatile option to the "suction cup on the windshield" method typical of the mounts which comes standard with most GPS. [Permalink] - ProClip Assembly