Some of us have been training at Gleason sensei's dojo for close to seven years now. Students have often asked Gleason sensei when he was going to write another book on Aikido. About three years ago, Gleason sensei must have decided the time was right.

The long awaited release of Gleason sensei's second book, Aikido and Words of Power, is now available. This second book is an expansion of many of the ideas introduced in his first book. Gleason sensei uses both sword and open hand techniques to illustrate his concepts.

Aikido and Words of Power may be purchased directly from Shobu Aikido of Boston. While both words and photos are instructive, for readers interested in seeing the movements, Gleason sensei's DVD, Aikido and Japanese Sword, is a "must have."

For readers interested in a deeper understanding of Aikido, Gleason sensei first book, The Spiritual Foundation of Aikido, is a great place to start. However, as Gleason sensei often stresses in class, Aikido cannot be learned by reading about it, Aikido can only be learned by experiencing it. If you are intrigued and are in Boston, then drop by the Shobu dojo in Somerville and observe a class. It will be the best way to get started! [Permalink]- Aikido and Words of Power