Many readers have commented that they really like browsing around and looking at past articles on RainyDayMagazine. So, to make it easier for readers to scan, browse, and randomly find interesting things to read on a "rainy day," we have decided to make some updates to the the visual index. Based on our "page hit" stats, we realized that many of them were RainyDayPhotography-related articles. Since the RainyDayPhotography section is the most popular, we started with that.

The top of the RainyDayPhotography page now has hyperlinks to all of the back articles. Clicking on the year will jump to a page with all of the related articles for that year. The left column on the page now has hyperlinks to the index page for all of the gear reviews, outings, and projects for that year. For readers who know what they are looking for, the Google Search box is always available at the top of the page.

Each annual RainyDayPhotography visual index now has three main sections: PhotoGear, PhotoOutings, PhotoProjects. Each group is a collection of hyperlinked photo icons of all of the relevant articles for that year. The hope is that this will make it easier for you to jump to articles of interest just by scanning, finding, and clicking at the photo icons.

We will also be doing the same kind of indexing to other RainyDay sections. The order will be based on popularity. If your favorite one is not as popular, don't worry. We plan to index all of the sections... eventually :-) [Permalink] - RainyDayPhotography Index