Our inbox got a lot of interesting links to various inauguration photos. None was as interesting as this one from Eric in PA. It is a panorama of the Inaugural Address taken by David Bergman. The photo's vantage point is pretty cool, but the amazing part was its resolution.

The image is so large that to see the full content, the viewer must pan and zoom using the navigation tools in the image's upper left corner. In the image above, the red arrows point to two spots which show off the details in the panorama. If you zoomed in you can see the sharpshooters at the roof top and the music score of the horn playes.

We have done a lot of panoramas (Ansel Adams, Koch yachts, sand dunes) before and it can be a tedious process. When we dug deeper on how David created this image, we found that the process was a lot less arduous than we had first thought. The image was made possible by a device invented by GigaPan Systems.

Judging by the number of folks asking us to take a look, we think this GigaPan Imager may be sleeper product. We have not had a chance to take a live look at it yet, but we are working on it. [Permalink] - Inauguration Pano