A few weeks ago, we sold both of our larger telescopes (8" Celestron, 10" Newtonian) to raise funds for a very specific type of SCT. We were looking for a Fastar, Celestron, or Meade with a removable secondary mirror so that we could do some deep space imaging using a Hyperstar lens. Check out Hyperstar's site and find out why we are so excited about their technology.

As luck with have it, Greg L in New Mampshire had a 10" Meade LX200 GPS that was exactly what we were looking for. The problem was not that we were nowhere close to where he lives. The problem was that we were nowhere close to his asking price. However, after explaining to Greg what we wanted to do and why, he basically gave us a deal that we could not refuse.

The deal we worked out was for the Meade 10" GPS scope, but Greg also threw in a collection of brand new astrophotography gear he no longer needed. Deals like this do not come along too often. It is a great way to start the year for the RainyDayScience folks!

There were more items which came with the purchase. The interns will log all of the pieces and we will take a look at them in detail. It is going to be very exciting to see what we can see with this new scope. BTW, if you have a lead on a Hyperstar lens for our new 10" Meade LX200, drop us a line. We will definitely be interested. [Permalink]- Meade LX200 GPS