We had the perfect reason for a road trip to NYC this weekend... to field-test our new Nikon D90 and VR zoom. The goal was to put the camera on "auto" and just walk around and shoot. How did we do with the new camera and lens? Click on the images below and see.

The weather was excellent for walking around the city and we did a LOT of that. We parked the car on the upper East side and strolled down to Union Square. The wide angle and zoom capabilities of the 18-200mm zoom lens enabled us to shoot a range of shots without having to change lens.

For this FirstUse outing, we wanted to see what we could do without knowing much of anything about the camera. All of the images have been resized from their high-rez 12MB versions, but not color corrected.

The camera's "auto" setting did a very nice job dealing with the varied lighting conditions (sunlight, tungsten, flurescent, mixed). What impressed us the most was the sharpness and detail of the images.

All of the images were shot hand-held with the vibration-reduction setting "on." The advantage of the VR feature was clearly evident when the daylight started to fade.

This last shot we took was just to see what we would get with the VR lens at night. We did not really expect it to come out as sharp as it did! Before VR, this shot would not have been possible without a tripod.

If this FirstUse is any indication, the Nikon D90 is destined to become the favorite around the office. The camera is new, so there are not a lot of accessories for it at present. However, if you have ones which you would like us to check out, send us a link. [Permalink]- NYC