The Timex Tx 770 chronograph is one of our favorite watches. We reviewed it back in Feb 2007 when they were first available in the US. We take this watch out in the field with us often and it has held up remarkably well.

However, after two years of use, the orange silicon band has picked up some dirt which no longer comes clean with soap and water. The photos show a little clearer the difference between an old and a new orange band. While there is nothing physically wrong with the band, we thought it would be a good excuse for us to show how to replace it should the need arise.

Replacement bands for the Timex TX line are not generally available in stores, but may be ordered directly from Timex TX Customer Service. Readers who wish to go longer between band replacements may want to order the black version.
When we started this project we thought it would be a fairly simple DIY task: tap out the retaining pins, swap in the new bands, and exchange the clapses. Unfortunately, none of the link removers were wide enough to fit over the side of the watch. The only other way we could see to get the pins out were to tap them out. We tried several different ways, but in the end, we were not successful in getting the pins out of the TX.

As this is a DIY project, we were cautious and did not want to be too aggressive in whacking at the pins. It would be a shame to accidentally scratch or damage this fine watch. To that end, we decided to take a break and do a bit more research on how to best tap out the pin. Once we get pass this small obstacle, we swap the bands and post a full write-up. [Permalink]- Timex TX Band Replacement