It is the dead of Winter, and glare from the snow is just as plausable a reason to invest in a good pair of sunglasses as sunlight from the beach. However, not all sunglasses are created equal. A pair of $300 Oakleys are a bit different than a pair of $10 sunglasses from a pushcart.

We have taken a look at other well made sunglasses in the past. Both the 180s and the Julbos are really good, but they are not Oakleys. Today, we are going to take a closer look at a pair of Oakley X-metal Juliet sunglasses to see why they stand above the pack.

The frame of the Oakley Juliet is made out of a special alloy. We have no idea what it is, but let us know if you do. These Oakleys "float" on the nose because both sides are hinged together at the bridge. The rubber pads at the nose and the temples are user replaceable.

The hinge for the arms incorporated the Oakley logo as part of its design. One of the reason why these Oakley x-metal Juliet sunglasses cost more than an average pair of sunglasses is Oakley's attention these details of form and function. Another is the many options available for customization and personalization.

Our first DIY project with this pair of Oakley x-metal sunglasses is to swap out the ice-blue polarized lenses with the mirrored gold ones. There are nothing particularly wrong with the blue ones, we just like the yellow ones better. Of course, if we can find a set of red lenses, we would make our own version of those as seen worn by Cyclops in the X-Men movies. [Permalink]- Oakley Sunglasses