Snow Leopard became available
at all of the Apple Stores yesterday. We went to the Chestnut Hill store to pick up our copy because we knew the lines would be short there. However, even at 8:30 on a Friday night, there was still a bit of a wait!

The Snow Leopard (OSX 10.6) upgrade assumes a working version of 10.5 Leopard. There are some reports that it will install on top of Tiger (10.4). We have Tiger installed on our older G4 unit. We may try the upgrade on that machine if everything goes well with the 10.5 upgrades.

The upgrade has a number of usability refinements and changes under the covers, but the upgrade also has a few changes to such core apps as Safari and QuickTime.

The installation of Snow Leopard was pretty much "click and go." The process took about 30 minutes for the Mac mini. No problems of any kind were encountered.

One thing we noticed immediately was that we recovered about 7GB (39GB available before, 46GB available after) of disk space after the upgrade; even though terabyte drives are now around $100, one can never have too much disk space.

The interns will be busy checking out the various Snow Leopard features this weekend. They will post more info tomorrow. The things of interests will be whether the Adobe apps (Dreamweaver, PhotoShop CS3, etc...) all work properly under 10.6. We hope they do as we have no budget allocated for upgrading the Adobe Creative suite anytime soon. [Permalink] - Snow Leopard Installation