This was Day2 of the RainyDayMagazine Office Reorg. Some pockets of calm have started to emerge from the chaos. However, a well-cropped photo can be deceiving. Moving a bit further back, one gets a fuller picture of the amount of work still awaiting the interns.

Most of the computers, AV gear, and so forth have not been reconnected yet. We do have access on some of the equipment, so we are not totally dark, but our ability to function is still very much compromised. The editors decided it was time for a break and went out for beers, leaving the interns to get on with the business of getting everything squared away.

Tomorrow is trash day, so a lot of unnecessary stuff found its way out to the "recycling" bin. By late afteroon, much of the clutter had been dealt with in some fashion (Craigslist, EBay, trash). By the time upper management returned from their much needed "break", most of the items on the floor had been put away (somewhere). There was also much more space on the "review bench" for incoming items.

While there are still some items on the floor and out in the hallway, the office has returned to some semblance of order. The interns have at least one more day of work left before the office will be fully operational again. The upside is that when we are back, we'll be a lot better laid out and hopefully much more productive! [Permalink] - Office Reorg Day2