The front entrance to the RainyDayMagazine office was looking a bit weathered and we had BIG painting plans for it during the first two weeks of August. The paints were picked out. The gear (JawHorse, Wagner sprayer/roller, etc...) was assembled. The only thing we did not account for was the weather. The last couple of weeks had either been raining (hard) or hot (record-setting). None of which was an incentive for the interns to roll up their sleeves and go out to do the prep work. Thus, we have decided to push the renovation schedule back to mid-September. Hopefully the drier, cooler Fall weather will give us more opportunities to get this painting project under way.

However, quite a few of you have been asking when we would be posting the FirstLook of the Wagner ProCoat Sprayer as many readers also have painting projects on their "honey-do" list, so we thought we would post a few pics from our photoshoot of the unpacking "event."

The ProCoat paint sprayer is Wagner's newest addition to their line of heavy-duty equipment for home use. Here is what is in the box: portable pump, 35' hose, swivel spray head, direct-draw suction tube and associated accessories.

This Wagner airless paint sprayer is a serious piece of gear. The 35' hose is long enough to handle painting jobs on a 2-story house. Its design allows the paint to be drawn directly from a 1- or 5-gallon pail. The hose can handle latex and oil paints, stains, and sealers. Perfect for our fence and deck projects.

Clean up should also be quick with the garden hose adapter which will enable us to just flush everything out of the hose and spray head. We hope it will make quick work many of the hard-to-paint/hard-to-reach tasks we have planned for it. If we have time left in our schedule, we'll be happy to come over and paint your house. Give us a call :-) [Permalink] - Wagner ProCoad Sprayer