When the weather forecast is for 70º on a Friday before a long weekend, there is no option but to take the Friday as a vacation day. We got out early, took the hardtop off the Boxster, and when for a drive out to the Great Marsh and the beaches of Plum Island.

The Great Marsh is the largest salt marsh in New England with over 20,000 acres of marsh, barrier beach, tidal river, estuary, mudflat, and upland islands spanning from Gloucester to Salisbury. The Great Marsh is an internationally recognized Important Bird Area (IBA) as it contributes to the preservation of many breeding and migratory birds. We learned all about it when we took a "rest" at the Audubon Visitor Center just before the bridge out to the island.

Plum Island is pretty quiet this time of the year. How quiet is it? It is so quiet that we didn't even have to call ahead to reserve a table at Mad Martha's! If you go to Plum Island, this little shack is THE place to go for breakfast. Parking is limited (4 spaces), but it is just across the street.

Once fortified, we continued our trek further out toward the end of the island. With the salt marsh on one side and the beach on the other, awesome views and wildlife (egrets, swans, etc...) were everywhere. We made frequent stops for various avian sightings and photo ops.

The drive from Boston to Plum Island is about 35 miles and took us around 50 minutes. The traffic can get pretty bad on the weekend, but it is a great day trip for those who can get away during the week. [Permalink]- Plum Island