"We Entertain When It Rains"  
  March 27, 2025




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April 8,2009(Wednesday)

The Vespa we purchased last Fall spent the entire winter outside under an all-weather cover.  We had no idea what would emerge when we uncovered it in the Spring or how much work we would need to do to get it ready for riding.

When the cover came off this weekend, the bike looked pretty much like when we covered it last Fall.  Everything was dry.  There was no moisture in the dash, no rust on the disc brake, and just a little bit of rust on the muffler.

The big question was, would it start up?  When we hit the starter switch, the Vespa coughed a few times and, much to our relief, came to life.  We were very excited to see that we did not have to do anything to get the scooter running. 

Eliot was ready to go, so we took it out for a quick spin around the block. We will give the Vespa a complete cleaning just to shine it up for our first extended ride.  [Permalink]- Vespa after Winter


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