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Mar 16,2008 (WeekendEdition) |
Now that we have upgraded our Mac mini's OSX to Leopard, we are ready to install the iPhone SDK. The iPhone SDK will only install on an Intel-based Mac running Leopard.

The SDK will install both a beta version of XCode (3.1) and the latest iPhone development kit. The development kit also comes with a simulator so you can test the apps without having to have the actual hardware.

The SDK installation took about 30 minutes and went without any problems. When completed, we recommend readers fire up XCode and download any new updates to the documentation. There is nothing more frustrating than programming to an outdated SDK.

There are a LOT of information on iPhone development both in the SDK and on Apple's Developer website. Once we had a chance to look over the docs and got comfortable with where things were, we downloaded some samples and started playing with the simulator. We were able to fire up Safari on the iPhone simulator, actually navigate to the real RainyDayMagazine site, and bring up our soon to be launched sized-for-iPhones version of RDM. This is going to make trying different things a LOT easier!!! - Wan Chi Lau (permalink)
Mar 15,2008 (WeekendEdition) |
Originally we were going to do some work with the OBD units, but the weather was such that most of us stayed inside and played around with the copies of OSX Leopard which showed up on Friday.

As with previous Apple software installations, upgrading from Tiger to Leopard was a simple process. A few clicks of the mouse, type in a password, and 40 minutes later (the installer's estimate was a tad pessimistic) the upgrade was finished.

There are quite a few benefits in upgrading from Tiger to Leopard, but our the main reason was so we could play with the new iPhone SDK. Over the next few days, we'll be doing all kinds of projects with the Mac mini (installing XCode, upgrading the RAM to 2GB, and playing with the iPhone SDK)...all kinds of geeky fun! - Wan Chi Lau (permalink)
Mar 14,2008 (FlatPanelFriday) |
When we said we got the DIY-Cintiq screen working in January, we were a bit premature. It was true that we got power to the LCD, but we were unable to get it to actually display an image.

It might have been because we were using the 10 pin FFC in a 20 pin connector. We may have done something else wrong, but after playing with it for a few days without making any progress, we decided it was time to try another screen.

After a few EBay attempts, we finally managed to obtain two partially working Dell 1503FP screens. One does not turn on, the other has a damaged LCD. By taking parts from both, we were able to make one working screen.

With a working LCD screen, the DIY-Cintiq project is once again back on track. The digitizing tablet had already been disassembled and is ready to go. Hopefully we can get the LCD parts mounted in the next few days. - Wan Chi Lau (permalink)
Mar 13,2008 (CarTechThursday) |
A lit "Check Engine" light (CEL) is a common sight on many modern automobiles. Some will immediately bring the car into the dealer and get the condition diagnosed. Others may ignor the warning light until they have to get their car inspected. Many have wondered if there are ways to determine what the problem is without having to bring the car to a mechanic to find out.

RainyDayGarage readers have known about the CarChip since 2005. Using the CarChip OBDII is one way to read the diagnostic code from the car's onboard computer. Now there are many other solutions (CarMD, OBDKey) on the market.

While all three of the units (CarChip, OBDKey, CarMD) we have in house will enable us to diagnose a CEL problem. The CarMD is self-contained and is able to give a readout / mini-diagnostic without having to download the data to a computer. The CarMD does have a USB port for downloading the data to a PC for further investigation.

We have been driving our Boxster with a CEL on since last April. This weekend, we are going to see what these three OBD readers think is the problem. Maybe we'll even consider fixing it :-) - Wan Chi Lau (permalink)
Mar 12,2008 (WowUsWednesday) |
Thanks to all you readers who sent us info on our mystery Meade telescope! The general consensus is that the scope is indeed a 2045. Apparently, many of you 2045 owners love it because of its all metal construction and excellent drive mechanism.

The coolest 2045 info was a link from Brad M on the internals of the scope obtained via a CT Scan. ALL mechanical products should be scanned and their innards revealed in such a fashion! Brad, to show our appreciation for the awesome link, we'll send you the Skeletool once we are done with the review. - Wan Chi Lau (permalink)
Mar 11,2008 (TelescopeTechTuesday) |
The interns were scanning Craigslist last week and came upon a listing in New Hampshire for a Meade telescope which looked good, but didn't come with any model number. Along with the mystery Meade in the photos was a heavy duty tripod and a lot of accessories (filters, camera mount, eyepieces). However, since it was a Schmidt-Cassegrain design we knew it was not an ETX series scope.

It was decided that the hour drive up North was worth the effort since Burt (the owner) sounded friendly on the phone and assured us the scope was in "like new" condition. Burt was not exaggerating, the scope was pristine. We made an offer and took the entire collection.

We managed to pack the entire lot into the Boxster (which meant someone hugged a tripod for 40 miles) and will be sorting out the pieces this week. After some initial investigations, we think the scope is a Meade 2045. If you think you know more about this unit or the accessories, drop us a note. The interns could use the help! [permalink] - Mystery Meade
Mar 10,2008 (MegaMaskMonday) |
Are you a scuba diver? Are you interested in seeing up to 5 times more than your traditional mask allows? If so, check out HYDRO OPTIX’s MEGA DOUBLE DOME mask for a wide angle, clear view of the underwater world.

In the FirstLook review, we checked out the mask and its accompanying components. For the FirstUse review, Andy will give you his impressions of the mask on ... [More] - Hydro Optix

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