Boston was blanketed with over a foot of snow from the storms on Friday and Sunday. We did not venture into the city all weekend, but did manage to make our way to the Arnold Arboretum on Sunday for a walk.

The day's forecast was for freezing rain and we wanted to get some photos of the snow before things turned sloppy. By the time we got out of the car the storm had picked up and visibility was starting to drop.

Inspite of the storm, the Arnold Arboretum was teaming with activity. Folks were out hiking, x-country skiing, and walking their dogs. Even the cardinals were out flitting about and making a racket :-)

A few days ago we mentioned that we carry our gear in Kata bags when we go out. This weekend was a perfect example of why. Even in a blowing snow storm, the Kata sling protected our gear and the all weather shield let us shoot unhindered.

By the time we finished our walk and made it back to the office, the plow had came by and cleared the main drive. However, a lot of shoveling was still left to be done. If we don't clear things out now, the freezing rain may make it impossible to shovel later.

After some discussion, we decided it was easier to just feed the birds, leave the snow on the Boxster, and go inside and make some espresso. We can always work from home tomorrow.

The roads may be covered in a sheet of ice for a few days if the temperature does not start climbing. That would be a bit of a problem as some of us have yet to start our Christmas shopping!!! [Permalink] - First Storm