There are numerous wilderness trails around Keene NH. The Chesterfield Gorge is just a few minutes drive from the center of town.

It was a perfect day for a hike. The air temperature was in the high 50s when we headed out. Most of the snow had melted, but there were still enough on the ground that we had to be mindful of our steps.

The hike to the gorge was less than a mile. Once there, we were free to climb around the rocks and walk along its edge.

We carried in two D40s, three lens, and assorted accessories using two Kata bags. The Kata bags (T-212, W-92) were very comfortable and easy to use during the hike. We found wearing WaistPack on the hip made it easier to get things in and out. It also served as a nice resting place for the hand.

We REALLY like the T-212 TorsoPack. The pockets of the T-212 were angled and well positioned, enabling us to quickly retrieve whatever piece of gear we needed.

We found it quite stable to have the weight of the gear in front. General ventilation was also good as we did not heat up much even though there was a fair bit of climbing around.

The final piece of gear we would like to mention is the TrekPod. This hiking pole/tripod is a great piece of gear to have on a hike. The more we used the TrekPod, the more we appreciated its versatility. Many of the shots we got on this hike would not be as sharp if it wasn't for the TrekPod. Go here if you want to check out the original TrekPod review series.

Carolyn spotted an interesting growth of a tree around a large rock. We spent the rest of the hike talking through the various possible scenarios which could have gave rise to this odd formation. If you have theory, drop us a line...we would love to know your thoughts on how this tree/rock formation came to be.

This hike was a good way to start the day. We did a longer trek later in the day and learned some interesting things about Carolyn's level of comfort with Wan's wilderness orienteering skills, but that's a story for another day :-) [Permalink] - Wan Chi Lau