We are familiar with glue guns, glue sticks, and double-sided tape. When we first saw the Xyron 900, we weren't quite sure what to make of it.
After a quick demo by Beth at the CKC show, we caught on to its possibilities pretty quickly.
Not only will this unit make short work of putting adhesives on the back of delicate paper and intricate cutouts, it will also laminate, and make refrigerator magnets!

In the FirstLook review, we will take a look at this hand-held adhesive applicator/laminator/sticker maker and all its parts.
In the FirstUse review, we'll see just how easy this thing is to use. If you can't wait, check out the short video clip of it in action at the CKC Scrapbooking Convention :-)

NOTE: The video clip is about 10 MB, so don't try viewing it unless you have a broadband connection :-)
1. FirstLook
2. FirstUse
Initial Impression - Well designed
Usability - hand-cranked, portable
Durability - test in progress
Price - $100
1. DesignRunner
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1. Ten Minute Tangram Magnets