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We were having some problems with the keypad after a week of use.  The problem was mostly confined to the bottom row of the right keypad.  However we had noticed that other keys would sometimes register a press and sometimes it would not.  Eventually, it stopped working all together.

Xyron tech support suggested a few possibilities (reset, making sure the book was plugged in, etc...) and offered to send us a new unit ASAP...they DID NOT suggest to us that we should start unscrewing things.   However, it was the weekend, and we being who we are... we decided to take things apart :-)

Oh...if want to follow in our footsteps and take your machine apart, do realize that it will DEFINITELY VOID YOUR WARRANTY.  So DON'T do it if you are not ready to accept the fact these actions may turn it into an expensive door stop or planter if you can't fix it.

There were eight screws at the bottom of the keypad tray holding things in place.  Once removed, we had access to everything.  The main connector (blue strip) to the machine is visible once the keypad is loose.  To disconnect, just push the two ends of the brown locking strip in the direction of the red arrows.

It was pretty clear what the problem was when we opened things up.  The main ribbon cable to the book connector had disengaged.  This was a simple fix and the unit should be working once we get it reinserted.

We took a look at the other connectors and realized why we were having intermittent issues.  Some of the other connectors had the ribbon cables connected, but the locking pin (red arrow) was not fully engaged.  When we move the machine around, we probably knocked the cable out of place.

In any case, we checked all of the connectors, made sure everything was tight, and reassembled everything.  It was a little tricky reattaching the main ribbon cable.  The cable was easier to reattach when we turned the entire unit upside down and worked from the bottom.

Once we got everything back together, we ran a series of tests on size selection, deleting, and cutting.  Everything appears to be working just fine.  So if you are having some periodic issues with the keypad and you are PAST the warranty period... check the connectors first before springing for a new unit or sending it out for repairs :-)




Personal Cutting System

By Wan Chi Lau

Adding your own touches to cards is one way to further personalize a note or gift for that "special" someone.  Some of us are creative and dextrous enough to cut patterns with scissors or an exact-o knife, but others can use a little help.

Xyron has created a machine called the Personal Cutting System to help with cutting patterns in different sizes on all kinds of materials.   

In the FirstLook review, we will take a look at this portable cutter and all its parts.

In the FirstUse review, we'll cut some patterns and letters to see just how easy it is to use. 


1. FirstLook

2. FirstUse

2. Frosted Window

3. KeyPad repair

Review Summary:

Initial Impression - portable

Usability - push button patterns

Durability - test in progress

Price - $170


Other Xyron Reviews:

1. DesignRunner

2. Xyron 900 Laminator


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Photography by Wan Chi Lau
Rainy Day Magazine is a Publication of Rainy Day Entertainment Group © 2006