When we got the LCD screen for the Boxster project, we needed to test it with a variety of input signals. We thought it would be useful to document the process and share it with our RainyDayGarage readers!
You are welcome to follow along on this project as we go from Design to Installation.
The Touchscreen portion of this Carputer project is divided into:
- Requirements
- Hardware Tests
- Software Tests
- Calibration
- Installation
- Screen Tests
The CPU segment of this Carputer project are divided into:
- Hardware Setup
- Software Setup
- Shelf Installation
- CPU Installation
Project Summary: Screen Install
1. Difficulty - Medium
2. Time - 1hr (setup), 10 min (test)
3. Tools - power screwdriver, CPU w/ VGA out, VGA cable.
4. Cost - $10 (power tap clips, misc Radio Shack parts)