It's the first day of April (yes, April Fool's Day) and yesterday's forecast of snow in New England actually came true. Bostonians woke up to a few inches of the white stuff covering everything in sight. This freak storm made a mess of things for those commuting to work. Instead of fighting the traffic, the RainyDayCrew decided the weekend should just start a bit earlier and called it a day.

Before things got too sloppy, we thought we took a few shots of the RainyDayGardenin order to have a record of the storm when we look back a year from now. The snow was the slushy kind that weighs things down. Fortunately, it was not heavy enough to cause any branch damage. A quick survey of the plants showed most of them were dealing with the the snow just fine.

While there IS snow on the ground on the first day of April, we are sure that in a day or two all of it will be gone. The birds will be back chirping, the bugs will be buzzing again, and the sun will come back out. Maybe then the activities of Spring will finally step into high gear. [Permalink] - Not Quite Spring...