Yesterday was Corvette Day at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum in Brookline. We had a full plate on Sunday, but managed to make a quick stop in the morning to check out the line up. We had an occassion to ride in a recent model Corvette when we were last in Texas on business. Our friend Mike showed us what the modern 'Vette could do on an open stretch of the Dallas highway. We were duly impressed and it renewed our interest in this American motoring icon. One of the best ways to follow up on that interest was to attend the LAAM's excellent lawn events. This Sunday, we had the perfect opportunity to do just that.

Quite a few Corvette enthusiasts had already registered their cars for the show and were doing some clean up and detailing when we arrived on the museum grounds. We wandered around and chatted with some of the owners about their vehicle. Most of them were local to the area, but a few of them were up from Conneticut and Rhode Island. Quite a few of the owners of the more vintage 'vettes were regulars to this event and were on a first name basis with the other owners.

We admit that we are not at all familiar with the subtleties and differences of the different model years, but we can certainly appreciate the lines and curves of these graceful vehicles. We took particular notice of this white two-seater with red interior and the two-tone paint job on the side. The body certainly reminded us of the lines of our Boxster, but we have to concede that its interior esthetics were far more to our liking. Granted, it does not have the protection of modern air bags, the comfort of air-conditioning, or the convenience of an auto-retracting top. It does, however, have an abundance of style!

Everything about this white roadster screams "fun!" Just look at the layout of those dials and gauges on the driver side. It is practically daring the driver to push the needles to the far right. The passenger side and its "dash grip" is clearly an indicator for anyone sitting on that side to hang on for the ride. The clear badge reminded us of Iron Man's Arc Reactor. The forward lean of the car, the two tone vents on the sides, and the sliver of red in the integrated tail light all contribute to the sense of movement even when this Corvette was standing still.

The love of cars is often passed on from parent to child. It was great to see them with their sons and daughters at these events. Future 'Vette owners were easy to spot.

Next weekend will be German Car Day at the Larz Anderson Auto Museum. So if you have a Porsche, Mercedes, or an exotic/vintage German auto in your garage, dust it off, pack a picnic basket, and share the love at the Museum. Rain or shine, it will still be a great way to spend the day. [Permalink] -LAAM: Corvette Day