One of the things we like to do for July 4th is to head over to Castle Island (05,07,09) to watch the turning of the USS Constitution. This year, the weather was so hot that fighting the crowd for a spot on Castle Island was not all that appealing. Instead, we decided to invite a few I-am-not-driving-to-the-Cape-in-this-traffic folks and a couple of There-is-no-way-I'm-going-to-try-and-get-a-place-on-the-Charles-for-the-fireworks people over for an impromptu cookout.

We had everything we needed for a nice meal except dessert. The RainyDayKitchen folks came to the rescue by coming up with up a refreshing Stars and Stripes Pie for the occassion! The pie was not only delicious, gluten-free, and vegan, but required only minimal baking (to keep the heat down in the kitchen). Here is the recipe, should you need a last minute Lasagna-size pan dessert:
Ingredients for the crust, filling, and topping:
- 1 tub Tru-Whip
- 1 tub Fage 2% Greek Yogurt (pour off any accumulated liquid on the top)
- Blueberries and strawberries
Making the crust:
- Heat oven to 350.
- Mix the flours and sugar (if using) to combine.
- Add melted spread, use pastry cutter to mix. Should be the consistency of small crumbs.
- Turn mixture into lasagna pan, and gently pat out to fill bottom (the mixture is a little dry, so it doesn't spread, you need to pat).
- Cook in oven for 20 minutes. This crust does not get very dark, so don't rely on what it looks like.
- Cool completely before filling
Making the filling:
- Gently mix Tru-Whip and Greek Yogurt in a bowl.
- Pour into completely cooled crust, and spread to cover.
Topping the pie:
- Slice strawberries in half.
- Make as many long "stripes" with the strawberries as desired (this will depend on the size of the strawberries).
- In upper left-hand corner, place blueberries in a neat pattern to replicate the stars on the flag.
- Add as many strawberry stripes to the right of the blueberry "stars" as desired.
NOTES: Tru-whip is a healthy alternative to Cool Whip. No gluten, no trans-fat, no wax, no...other things that you might not want to actually ingest. It is found in the freezer in the health foods section of most supermarkets. It is less than four dollars a tub. The Biscuit & Baking Mix has baking powder and sea salt in it, giving it a slightly salty taste. The sugar is to counteract that. If you are using just a GF flour mix, you will not need the added sugar.

Stay cool and have a happy 4th of July holiday. BTW, the dessert is pretty tasty the next day as well. [Permalink] -Flag Pie