We'll finish up the Impressa Z5 review with a look at the brewing process. Thanks to all the great questions this week. We would love to reply to all of them individually. Hopefully we will have addressed them in the FirstUse review. If not, feel free to ping us and we'll see if an update is in order. BTW, we have been known to send little "thank you" gifts for questions/suggestions which we felt were "extraordinary" in some ways. Hint, hint :-)

We wish we could share with you the wonderful taste of the espresso, but you will just have to get one and experience it yourselves :-)
Like other automatic coffee machines we had tested in the past, the Impressa Z5 must be primed before using it for the first time. The "priming" step brings water into the system. It is always smart to follow the manual (we know some folks don't like to read them) instead of just plowing ahead. Good thing we checked because the one thing we thought was obvious, and would have been wrong, was we would have installed the water filter before priming the machine.

Priming the unit was pretty simple. In fact, it was the simplest of all of the system we have reviewed to date. All we had to do was fill the water tank and hit the power button. The prompts were clearly displayed in the LED panel at the front of the machine.

We weren't sure how much liquid would be pumped through the system before it was primed, so we decided to measure it. Water was pushed through both the main dispenser and the hot water tube. The instruction said to discard the first two cups. In total, we captured about 6 oz of waste liquid. Now we are ready for our First Cup!!!

The best part about this machine, it is ready for that second cup in just a few seconds. No need to clean the grounds or grind the beans. Everything is done with just a push of the button. If you wan to see just how fast the Impressa Z5 is, check out the video of the First Cup.
We will have more updates on the machine as we continue to use it over the course of the next several months. We are interested in how easy it is to clean and maintain. We'll also make some other coffee drinks and check out the various accessories in our update in about a month.