The EspressoPRO has a stainless steel-lined ThermoBlock heating system. The lining prevents water from coming into contact with aluminum at any point during the brewing process, ensuring no leeching of metal into the water or flavor distortion.

The front light will glow red (about 20 seconds) once the water has reached the proper temperature and pressure. There are two sizes of coffee sieve. The choice is based of the drinker's strength preference.

The recommended grinder to use with the EspressoPRO is a burr type grinder. Burr grinders, unlike the blade types, make a much more consistent grind with very little coffee dust (which could clog the sieve).
There hasn't been a filter design which has eliminated this slightly messy step of adding coffee to the filter and tamping it down. No matter how careful we were, we always make a little bit of a mess at this step. If you have any suggestions, share it... we'll pass it along and send you something for the tip :-)

The filter holder has a self-locking design. Just insert and turn the filter holder until it clicks. Make sure the two opening are aligned with the cups underneath. When everything is in place, turn the front switch to the right and water will start to flow in a few seconds. The pump can generate 18 bar of pressure to push the hot water through the coffee and the sieve. It also creates a very smooth and thick crema.

Our first cup of espresso from the Capresso EspressoPRO was surprisingly good. We will have to play with the grind and amount for our PERFECT cup, but on this first came very close to that of the coffee house espresso and was surprisingly easy.
We'll try the frothXpress at a later date. Check back later to see how well this machine makes cappuccino, tea, and hot chocolate.
We made a few short clips of the roasting, burr grinding, and brewing process so you can get an idea of the sound and times associated with the steps. We are working on how to share the smell, but the best way is to just go buy one and experience the aroma for yourself. |