Grinding coffee for home brewing used to be more art than precise practice. Only hand-crank grinders were available, and rarely found except in the home of true coffee lovers.
When drip coffee machines became popular, folks started to purchase their beans in order to grind them just before use. Most of the grinders were of the blade type, which were inexpensive and worked well for drip coffee machines.
As quality home espresso machines came on the market, the proper grinding of the beans became more critical. Blade grinders created "coffee dust" which clogged the filters used in the espresso machines.

When we got the EspressoPRO, we also upgraded our coffee grinder.
We'll take a closer look at this grinder in this FirstLook report. We'll then grind some beans, make some espresso, and take a closer look at the different fineness of grinds available from this unit in the FirstUse review.
1. FirstLook
2. FirstUse
Initial Impression- Sturdy
Usability- Simple, self stopping
Durability- test in progress
Price- $60
1. Simple Human
2. Tassimo
3. Keurig
4. EspressoPRO
5. i-Roast2