The New York International Auto Show is one of the largest car show on the east coast. Many auto manufacturers use this event to showcase their lastest offerings and get the buying public excited. The fact that it is just before the tax rebate and summer driving season doesn't hurt neither :-)

On Wednesday April 12th, 2006, Bentley unveiled their new Convertible GTC to the press. The RainyDayGarage folks, of course, had a front row seat at the event! Not that we had that kind of clout, but we were over at the Nissan Press lunch and decided we were too full to go anywhere after. So we camped out in front of the rope line for 20 minutes.

Here are a few videos of the Continental GTC. If you are at a lost for a birthday present for your significant other, this may just be what you have been searching for. The new GTC has 552 horses under the hood, tops out at 195 mph with the top up and 190 with the top down.
The RainyDayGarage folks are reporting live from the Jacob Javits... so if there are things you want them to check out, just drop us a note!
Porsche has all of their new models on the floor (Cayman, Cayenne, BoxsterS, and the Carrera GT).

We have not been able to locate the 997 yet, but as soon as we can get one of the Porsche folks to actually acknowleged us, we'll ask :-)
Who can tell us what this cool 3-seater is? First one to give us the name and the company gets a little something in the mail!
