One of the reason why this device is easy to use is the instant feedback. The wave pattern gives the user realtime info on the activities of the "stimulating" and "pacifying" nerves.

We could immediately see if something we were doing was causing more or less nerve stimulation. By signaling to us when to exhale, it helped us regulate our breathing and focus our mind on the proper feelings, enabling us to generates those nice regular sine waves (right photo).

The finger sensor measures tiny changes in pulse rate, which is a reflection of the overall activity of the nervous system. The StressEraser keeps a running tally of how many "points" were achieve during each session and the total for the day.

The goal stated in the manual is for the user to reach 30 points per session and 100 points per day in order to to feel the benefits from using the StressEraser.

The "history" is tracked on the upper bar. If something interrupts the regularity of the breathing, the results (red arrows) are pretty quickly reflected by the monitor. By refocusing the attention on the breathing, one can quickly regain (blue arrows) the proper rhythm.
The ability to relax is a learned skill. Some were able to reach 50 points in a few minutes, others had a harder time. Our office cat couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, but then again it is easy to live a stress free life if your main job is sleeping.

The StressEraser cannot MAKE you relax. To paraphrase Morpheus, this device can only show you "door" to relaxation, it is you who must go "through" it.