A person can go without food for several weeks, without water for several days, but cannot go without air for more than a few minutes.
The importance of proper breathing is not new. Most martial arts stress the importance of proper breathing in order to generate power. Other arts like Tai Chi, yoga, and meditation use controlled breathing as a means to calm the mind, focus the body, and release stress.
Most people know "how" to breathe, but interestingly many do not know "when" to breathe for optimal mind/body control. Helicor has created a device called the StressEraser. Its purpose is to show the user the best time to breathe for optimal relaxation.

The device is pretty simple to use. However, it also requires a little bit of commitment from the user in order to be effective.
In the FirstLook review, we will take a look at the device and the technology behind it. In the FirstUse review, we will see it in action.
1. FirstLook
2. FirstUse
Initial Impression- portable
Usability- instant feedback
Durability- TBD
Price- $300