The package came with everything we needed to use the CarChip . The CD contains the initialization and data plotting software for the CarChip, as well as the documentation.
The CarChip can be used right out of the box. The initialization allowed us to select more parameters to track and to personalize the CarChip. The standard CarChip can record up to 75 hours of vehicle data. The CarChip E/X that we got will record up to 300 hours of vehicle data.

The CarChip is designed to fit into a port called the OBDII (On Board Diagnotic, second generation). Most cars built after 1996 has one near the dash somewhere.
Data is recorded every 5-60 seconds (user adjustible via the computer). Users can choose 4 out of 23 possible parameters to track (RPM, speed, coolant temperature, etc...)
The CarChip can also record any "Check Engine" or other fault codes, but the CarChip must be in place prior to the event. The CarChip can also clear the code and reset the light.

The recorded data is transferred to a PC via the supplied USB cable. The software will work only on a Windows PC.
The CarChip is a great device to have in the car...so much so that we think it should be standard equipment in ALL cars! Go write your Congressman and Senators now :-)
In the meantime, we are going to let the folks at the RainyDayGarage plug this into the Boxster and take it out for a spin. Go check out the results of the FirstUse here.