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December 19,2012- RainyDayGiftGuide:Sports... |
We asked the RainyDaySports folks to put together a few items that they thought would be great for the GiftGuide. They love to bike so it was only natural that their recommendations leaned heavily in that direction. In any case, we hope you find the suggestions helpful for your gift shopping this weekend (the final one)!

Bikers need to be aware of their surroundings, and being able to hear is a huge part of being aware. Many riders like to have tunes with them when they bike, but wearing ear-buds while cycling is just... [more] -RainyDayGiftGuide: Sports
October 26,2012- Free Wheelin Speakers... |
Wireless speakers are attractive because they don't have to be physically connected to the source of the signal. By removing that limitation, speaker placement is limited only by mounting method and imagination. Outdoor and garden installations are obvious applications, as are uses where wires would either detract from the aesthetics or would not be practical. We have reported on quite a few wireless speakers and headphones over the years (BlueAnt, Logitech, Saitek, BlueTrek Duo, Jaybird). However, FreeWheelin from SoundRyder is the first to combine the open sound of speakers with the mobility of headphones. We are going to take a FirstLook at them today.

The FreeWheelin speakers are designed to be attached to different kinds of helmet (cycling, skiing, etc). They can also be mounted to a stand for use in the car or on a desk. Because FreeWheelin uses Bluetooth V.2.1 for connecting, it will communicate with any device which... [more] -Free Wheelin Speakers FirstLook
September 4,2012- Patriots Training Camp... |
NFL Football Season 2012 is starting! The first regular season game is tomorrow (Cowboy vs Giants). It couldn't come soon enough for the folks here at RainyDayMagazine. Besides the Olympics, football is the only sporting event we pay attention to. Yes, we watch the World Series if the Red Sox are playing, we may watch some tennis or basketball, maybe even golf, but not with the interest we have for football.

At the beginning of August, we—along with a few thousand other Patriot fans—stopped by Gillette Stadium to check out the Patriots during training camp. It was a pretty sweltering day, but the heat clearly had no effect on the enthusiasm of New England fans for their team, as the stands were full. Many folks turned out just to see their team go through drills, plays, and other practice routines. Some were hoping for the chance to snag an autograph from their favorite... [more] - Patriots Training Camp
August 10,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

August 9,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

August 8,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

August 7,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

August 3,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

August 2,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

August 1,2012- Off to watch the Olympics... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

July 31,2012- On Vacation... |
The RainyDayMagazine crew will be taking the month of August off to enjoy the 2012 Olympics. We will be back in September! [Permalink] - On Vacation!

July 30,2012- Olympics Live... |
The entire 2012 Olympics is being streamed live on NBCOlympics.com. Every event will be is available online and on the iPad. This is the first time that anyone with a cable TV subscription can "watch" any or all of the events (depending on the number of computers one is willing to dedicate to the effort).

Setup for Live Steaming was pretty easy, but only if you have a Cable TV subscription which included either MSNBC or CNBC channels. This is because Live Streaming is only available to customers with a certain level of service. If you don't, then you will need to find a "friend" who is willing to... [more]- Olympics Live
July 19,2012- Fenway Park :100 Years Old... |
Boston and baseball has had a love/hate relationship for a long time. Red Sox fans held their collective breath for the 86 years between the BoSox's World Series championships, and that is a long time to not breath. OK, so the Chicago Cubs have not won since 1908, but hey, while totally lovable, it's the Cubs. We'll leave it at that.

This year Fenway Park, the home of the Red Sox, celebrates its 100th-year anniversary. The Park opened in 1912 even though construction had not completely finished. The right- and center-field grandstands and the center-field bleachers were in place, but the Park was missing the... [more] - Fenway Park: 100 Years Old
July 11,2012- Nikkor 18-300mm Zoom FirstUse... |
The FirstShots we took over the weekend gave a quick glimpse of what Nikon's new 18-300mm DX zoom is capable of out of the box. We wanted to see if this longer zoom could replace the trusty Nikkor 18-200mm "grab-n-go" lens. In order to do that, we really needed to take it out into the field and give a workout. We could have stayed in Boston, but the 90º+ weather made us think that the Cape would be a better choice. So Sunday afternoon, we packed up and head down to Chatham, aka The Elbow of the Cape.
The first place we tested out the new Nikkor was at a baseball game. If you live in the New England area and have not been to a Cape League game, you are missing out. The cost of a ticket? What tickets? The games are free!

We got there after the game started, but were still able to find seats closed to third base. It was around 6:30 when we sat down. The lights had not come on yet, but we knew that in order to freeze the action, we had better crank up the ASA. So all the images taken at the game were at ASA 3200. All of the shots were taken hand-held and with VR active. Here are some shots of the... [more] - Nikkor 18-300mm Zoom FirstUse
May 16,2012- Shobu Aikido: Children Classes... |
The study of Aikido is a life-long pursuit. Some have the good fortune to start the journey when they are young. Others do not begin until they are in their forties. To encourage and promote this non-competitive martial art to the young, Shobu Aikido of Boston introduced the Children/Family Program in 2011. This year, for a limited time, they are offering the program at a reduced price of $50/month. Siblings may join at 1/2 price and parents may attend for FREE! This is an incredible deal.
Regardless of when one starts, Aikido is practiced in a way which students help each other to learn and improve in the study of this incredible martial art. We urge all who are interested to go watch a class, feel the vibe, and talk to the students. Shobu Aikido of Boston is a wonderful place to begin the journey. [Permalink] - Shobu Aikido: Children Classes

May 10,2012- Workout Mats... |
The floors in the space where we hung the heavy bag are maple. Maple is strong, wears well, and is a great surface to work out on. Some of us like to workout barefooted and the hardwood feels nice against the skin. However, the floor surface has a coat of polyurethane and can get slippery if sweat gets on it. Also, sometimes it is nice to have a bit of a cushion. To satisfy the safety issue and the occasional desire for a more gentle surface, we did some research, tested some options, and found two types of padding which addressed our needs.

Exercise and workout mats come in different configurations (interlocking , roll-up , panels ), are made from various types of materials (foam , rubber ), and in a variety of thicknesses. We wanted mats which could be put away quickly and did not take up a lot of room. After a bit of consideration, we settled on the... [more]- Workout Mats
May 7,2012- Hitting a Heavy Bag... |
Working out on a heavy bag is a great way to get exercise and relieve stress. Punching a bag may seem simple, and if you are in reasonable shape you can put some power behind a punch. However, if you do not have the proper punching mechanics, all that power will not be properly transferred to the target (ie: the bag). In fact, all that power may just end up breaking your wrist.

There are a few details involved in throwing an effective punch—stance, rotation, distance—but today we will focus on the point of contact. Start with making a fist. As per Bruce Lee one way to make a strong fist is to "...from an outspread position of your fingers and thumb, as in Photo A, roll your finger tips into your palm, as in Photos B and C. Then... [more] - Hitting a Heavy Bag
May 3,2012- Heavy Bag... |
Working on a computer all day long and then watching TV in the evening are fairly sedentary activities, which, if practiced in immoderation, can lead to a fairly sedentary life. We at RainyDayMagazine have solved that potential/probable outcome by installing a heavy punching bag in the office for anyone interested in a quick workout whilst on duty. We've had the bag for a while (it is an Everlast commemorating the 1986 Olympics), but are not entirely certain when it came into our possession.

At 80 pounds, the bag is one of the heavier models. Hanging it securely required us to mount the hardware directly into the studs in the ceiling. Everlast has mounting hardware designed for hanging these types of bags, but we opted to roll our own with a few dollars of hooks and springs from... [more] - Heavy Bag In The Office
April 23,2012- Shobu Aikido: Spring Gasshuku... |
Readers may be wondering why we were kind of quiet last week. The reason was that many of us were at the Shobu Aikido Spring Gasshuku. A Shobu Gasshuku only happens four times a year, and we try to attend when possible. These 3-day-long seminars are very different from regular practice in that they bring together students from all over. Many of the attendees were from other parts of New England--western MA, Vermont, Maine--but there were also Aikidokas from New York, Las Vegas, and even Quebec!

The three days (four if we also count the Thursday night class) of intensive training is different than attending regular classes in that it gives the instructor (Sensei Gleason in this case) the time to teach something over the course of a few days. It also lets the students maintain a focus that is... [more] - Shobu Aikido of Boston: Spring Gasshuku
April 19,2012- Brain Hack #28... |
Many people have the impression that being creative is a talent: some people have it, some people don't. However, neurobiologists have a greater understanding of how the different parts of the brain interact with each other, and have realized something. The state of mind which fosters creativity is something which can be induced, exploited, and yes...hacked! In fact, people have been doing it for years.

A few years ago, we came across a few books (Mind Hacks, Mind Performance Hacks) on mind-hacking. The books are a great source of cool things one can do to the brain without the use of chemicals and their associated side-effects. Whenever we have some time on our hands, we flip through the books and select something to try. We, of course, are no strangers to... [more] - Brain Hack #28: Onar
April 2,2012- Kata TLB-300 PL... |
Shooting with a long zoom or telephoto lens is a challenging task, but the dramatic photos (hawk, tiger, peacock) you get are often worth the effort. The problem is that a good lens in the 300mm range or longer tends to be big , heavy , and unwieldy . Bringing one along on a hike is not something one would want to do...until now. The folks at Kata Bags (our favorite camera bag company) have designed a few backpacks (TLB-300 PL, TLB-600 PL) specifically for photographers who wish they could take their monster lens with them on their treks.

Today we are going to take a FirstLook at the Kata TLB-300 PL. The TLB-300 PL is a special purpose bag designed to safely transport a long telephoto lens with a body attached. Like other Kata bags built to carry large camera equipment, this bag is well padded and offers substantial protection for the gear inside it. However, unlike those bags, this one was designed as a backpack. Similar to a large backpack, this backpack has an internal frame, comfortable shoulder straps, and a waist belt. Unlike a large camping backpack, this unit is not a... [more] -Kata TLB-300 PL FirstLook
February 15,2012- The Talent Code... |
We were in New York City this past weekend and one could not turn a page without reading something about the new Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. Until last week, Lin was a virtual unknown outside of a circle of devoted fans. How quickly things changed for Lin! However, like all "overnight" successes, Lin's rise from obscurity was actually a decade in the making. Anyone who has read either The Genius in All of Us by David Shenk or The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle knows exactly why.

Talent is neither inborn nor out-of-reach for the average person. There are real, repeatable, and proven ways to develop talent. Some coaches (Tom Martinez, Linda Septien, etc...) have a "knack" for nurturing individuals into superstars. Now, thanks to advances in medical imaging and neurobiological research, the scientific foundation for the "how" and "why" of the process is starting to become clear. What it is telling us is that... [more] - The Talent Code