The HighGear Enduro Compass is packed with features that are useful everyday. It is a chronography, a watch, and a digital compass. Even though it is feature rich, it is still simple to operate.

The backlighting button is at the lower left. The four control buttons are raised and easy to push, even when the fingers are sweaty or wet. Unlike cheaper watches, the Enduro has a mineral glass lens which will not scratch as easily.

The watch is sealed and watertight to about 150 ft (50 meters) The battery is user replaceable. Note the raised bump at the end of the strap...if pushed through the loop, this compass will definitely stay on your wrist. For everyday use, it is easier to have the loop on the right side of the bump.

We love HighGear's attention to details on the Enduro. The band is comfortable and fits well around the wrist. The holes provide good ventilation and drainage. Best of all, there are no sharp edges to snag on clothing.

The digits on the LCD display are large and easy to see, even at odd angles or in dim light. The green backlighting works well, but it is only necessary in very dim lighting. The functions and modes are clearly identified. We had no trouble using this watch and we didn't even touch the manual.

The Enduro's digital compass is very easy to use. It has an adjustible declination to compensating for your current location and true North. The compass can be set to take one reading or give continuous updates...very useful for those windy Boston alley ways!

In the FirstUse report, we'll take the Enduro out with us on some UrbanHikes around Boston and see how well it gets us around town. We'll also compare it with our trusty Casio Pathfinder wrist compass... which definitely requires a manual because it would take too long to explain how any of the functions work. |