The Armour Etch kit came with everything needed (even a piece of practice glass) for learning how to chemically etch glass. There are a variety of patterns (letters, simple shapes, detailed designs), glass cleaner, knife, spreader, brush, gloves, and etching cream. The tools included in the kit are designed to be used a few times and then discarded.

The glass must be free of grease, fingerprints, and other bits which may mask the work of the chemical. Any chemical which can etch glass must be handled with care. The Armour Etch bottle contains plenty of warnings to that effect.

The chemicals in the etching cream appears quite toxic, so care must be taken when using it. We would recommend using latex gloves (included) and eye protection when applying the cream.

There are quite a few etching project one can do with this kit. In the FirstUse article, we'll follow the steps and show how to etch a pattern on a glass object. |