Above are two close-up shots of the sensor array (CCD, optical lens). The CCD image was taken using our handy Macro trick described in an earlier project.
Unlike Zack's project, the JB-1 did not have a separate IR filter. The IR filtering was done by a coating which was on the lens itself. This meant we had to scrape the coating off. Our new LoggerHead Immix was the perfect tool for holding the lens in place while we worked! BTW, it is a good idea to cover the CCD to keep dust off the sensor.
We we got the top layer cleaned off with the x-acto blade, we still saw some red reflected... which meant there was a coating on the other side as well. This required us to cut the lens out of the housing to clean the other sided.
Here are a few images of the lens after scraping and washing. Since the lens was made of glass (a big surprise), it held up remarkably well to all of the abuse!!!
Since it was Labor Day, most of the photography stores were closed. This is when being a pack-rat has its advantages. 15 years ago, we went to a Hunt's photography show where we picked up a sample of filters from Wess Plastic. Amazingly enough, we were able to actually find it in a parts bin...after a bit of searching :-)
One square was enough to make all of the filters we needed. The plastic scratches pretty easily. We found the best way to cut them was to cover the surface with a piece of paper, press, and cut along a hard edge.
The filters does not have to be exactly the same size, just large enough to cover the lens opening. We picked the best six we had, made sure they were dust free, and stacked them in the mount.
We are now ready to reassemble the camera and see if we can get this thing to work.
UPDATE: We just got this incredible sample pack from Lee Filters. The sample pack has a few hundred different color gels, each with a listing of their associated spectral characteristics.
It will be an interesting project to try some of these filters to see how they would affect the images from the camera.
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