We love the flickering glow of votive candles around the RainyDayMagazine office... especially when we are having folks over for one of our famous RainyDayEvents!
Making sure all of the candles have been extinguished after the party is sometimes a hit or miss thing.
With the Smart Candle, we no longer have to worry about some of our staff's more creative candle placements :-)

These rechargeable flickering LED candles are the same size as standard votive candles and will fit most holders made for their wax counterparts.
In the FirstLook review, we'll check out the parts. We'll also see how they look in some of the candle holders we have around the office.
1. First Look
2. First Use
3. In The Wild Report
Initial Impression- Flickers
Usability- Rechargeable
Durability- test in progress
Price- $90
1. Vessel Candela